What is Triggering Your Garage Door to Breakdown? Discover Our Specialist Repair Service Solutions!

What is Triggering Your Garage Door to Breakdown? Discover Our Specialist Repair Service Solutions!


Considering most garage doors have a starting weight of around 130 pounds, it’s safe to say that garage door cables serve an essential purpose when it comes to the safe operation of your garage door. What is Creating Your Garage Door to Malfunction? Discover Our Specialist Fixing Solutions! . Don’t try to use your garage door if the cables snap. installation If you keep operating it, you’ll put additional strain on other parts of the door, including its tracks and rollers. lock mechanism If you keep operating it, you’ll put additional strain on other parts of the door, including its tracks and rollers.

If you have a damaged or broken garage door cable, the experts at Jennings Garage Door Service can replace it to ensure your garage door continues to open and close safely. Is your garage door is vibrating excessively, generating too much noise, or looking misaligned?

What is Triggering Your Garage Door to Breakdown? Discover Our Specialist Repair Service Solutions! - installation

  1. installation
  2. lock mechanism
Is your garage door is vibrating excessively, generating too much noise, or looking misaligned?

Garage door rollers generally need replacement every seven years. If you keep using your door with malfunctioning rollers, you’ll put additional stress on more expensive parts of the garage door system. If you keep using your door with malfunctioning rollers, you’ll put additional stress on more expensive parts of the garage door system.

Trust that when we recommend garage door roller replacement, we’re preventing bigger and costlier damages. The horizontal and vertical tracks of garage doors are crucial in ensuring that the system operates smoothly. The horizontal and vertical tracks of garage doors are crucial in ensuring that the system operates smoothly.

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Garage Door Repair Related Terms

Entity Description Source
Garage Door Balance Testing Ensuring the door is properly balanced for safe and efficient operation. source
Control Panel Repair Fixing or replacing the garage door's main control panel. source
Garage Door Frame Repair Addressing issues with the door frame, including warping or damage. source
Photo Eye Adjustment Aligning the photo eye sensors for proper garage door functionality. source
Garage Door Lubrication Regular lubrication to ensure smooth operation and reduce wear. source
Garage Door Hinge Replacement Replacing worn or damaged hinges for optimal door movement. source
Garage Door Opener Reinforcement Strengthening the opener system to handle the door's weight and usage. source
Limit Switch Adjustment Calibrating limit switches for accurate opening and closing endpoints. source
Garage Door Ventilation Improving ventilation to prevent moisture buildup and temperature issues. source
Smart Garage Door Upgrades Integrating smart technology for remote monitoring and control. source

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Garage Door Repair Related Terms

  • Garage Door Opener Backup Batteries
    • Batteries that provide power backup for the garage door opener in case of a power outage.
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  • Garage Door Opener Keypads
    • External keypads that allow for keyless entry to the garage using a secure code.
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  • Garage Door Insulation Panels
    • Panels specifically designed to insulate garage doors, improving energy efficiency and reducing noise.
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  • Garage Door Opener Light Bulbs
    • Special light bulbs that are designed to withstand the vibration of garage door openers.
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  • Garage Door Opener Antennas
    • Antennas that improve the reception of the remote control signal to the garage door opener.
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  • Garage Door Opener Rail Extensions
    • Extensions used for garage door opener rails to accommodate taller garage doors.
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  • Garage Door Opener Safety Beam Guards
    • Guards that protect the safety sensors (photo eyes) of the garage door from being knocked out of alignment.
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  • Garage Door Opener Remote Holsters
    • Holsters or clips for storing the garage door opener remote in a convenient location.
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  • Garage Door Opener Belt Drives
    • Belt drive systems for garage door openers, known for their quiet operation compared to chain drives.
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  • Garage Door Opener Chain Drives
    • Chain drive systems for garage door openers, a common and cost-effective option.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Door Stop � Also referred to as a weather seal, this attaches to the bottom of the garage door to seal out the elements. They're available in a variety of materials and colors.

On the sides of the door, and attached to the hinges, are garage door rollers. These are circular and contain ball bearings. Any exposed ball bearings need to be lubricated. Since it can be difficult to get inside the rollers, some formulas of grease come with thin tool attachments for this work. Sep 14, 2020